The only marina software for the whole team.

Close the gap between desired growth goals and simplified operations with less work intense processes. Align your team to reach your goals.

Marina Managers

Make your team effective and customer-centric

Monitor your team and know what is happening in the marina at any time of day. Identify gaps and improve your team.

  • Double-check paperwork to do reporting

  • Unreliable excel sheets to find out occupancy rates

  • Hours spent on recalculating financials

  • Surprised by unforeseen errors

Marina Managers

Optimise operations

  • Automised communication between the team and customers

  • Statistics on your current and past berth occupancy

  • Automatic validations & cross checks

Gestione delle prenotazioni

Unisci facilmente tutti i canali di prenotazione in entrata in un unico sistema.

Profilo pubblico

Avete il pieno controllo del vostro profilo pubblico e mostrate a migliaia di diportisti ciò che avete da offrire.

Chat e notifiche

Riducete le comunicazioni telefoniche e via e-mail con una comunicazione in-app semplice e comoda.

Find solutions tailored to each team member and position - from marinero up to management. Learn how to optimise all your booking channels with ease.

Marina Staff

Streamline workflows to fully focus on customer demands

Marina staff can work more effectively and focus on attending to guests personally instead of being burdened by redundant and repetitive admin tasks.

  • Errors due to manual inputs

  • Redundant and repetitive admin tasks

  • Unaligned communication

  • Delayed data exchanges

Marina Staff

Work effectively

  • Price-optimal berth allocation recommendations

  • 24/7 frictionless booking with automatic waitlisting

  • Notifications and reminders for you and customers

Subaffitto dell’ ormeggio

Subaffittate gli ormeggi ai vostri diportisti di lungo corso per far sì che la marina non sia mai vuota.

Assegnazione intelligente degli ormeggi

Lasciate che il sistema gestisca e accoppi automaticamente nuovi e vecchi clienti agli ormeggi piu corretti

Sicurezza dei dati dei clienti

Recuperate il controllo al 100% su tutte le transazioni per incrementare i guadagni

Find solutions tailored to each team member and position - from marinero up to management. Learn how to manage your berth occupancy at any time of the year.

Directors & Presidents

Increase customer satisfaction and profitability

Find opportunities to elevate the perception of everyone involved in the marina - for a better organisation with a prosperous future.

  • Lack of reliable information

  • Unidentified levers for improvement

  • Trial and error to identify gaps

  • Planning uncertainty

Directors & Presidents

Grow the business

  • Visual graphs to make strategic decisions

  • All customer engagement in one place

  • Simple representation of marina utility

Fatturazione semplice e immediata

Impostate i pagamenti mantenendo la flessibilità di aggiungere servizi al contorno

Servizi offerti

Rendete profittevole l'uso dei vostri servizi e delle utenze del vostro porto.

Prezzi strategici

Impostate e modificate la vostra strategia di prezzo in qualsiasi momento in base alla domanda e al tempo.

Find solutions tailored to each team member and position - from marinero up to management. Learn how to regain control over all transactions to grow revenue streams.